Rules and Code of Conduct

Aleph Hackathon is an event designed for developers, designers, PMs, founders, cryptographers, and tech enthusiasts to collaborate and develop innovative solutions around blockchain and decentralization. We want all participants to have a positive and rewarding experience. Therefore, we ask that all attendees show respect and courtesy throughout the event. Below, we detail the rules and code of conduct that you must follow.

Code of Conduct:

  • Respect and Courtesy: All attendees must treat each other with respect. Any form of harassment, whether verbal, physical, or virtual, related to gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, appearance, disability, or any other personal characteristic will not be tolerated.
  • Safe Environment: Let's maintain a safe and professional environment. The use of sexualized images, activities, or materials is not allowed. This applies to everyone: participants, judges, mentors, volunteers, and organizers.
  • Responsible Behavior: If you are asked to stop inappropriate behavior, you are expected to do so immediately. Failure to comply with these rules may result in expulsion from the event.
  • Reporting Incidents: If you feel uncomfortable or believe someone is violating the code of conduct, please notify us immediately. You can speak to any event organizer or email us at

Event Rules:

  • Prizes and Bounties: The three finalist teams will compete for $10,000 USD in an open track, in addition to bounties from our partners totaling over $50,000 USD. Partners are responsible for the distribution of their prizes.
  • Mandatory Attendance: To participate, you must be present at the event venue and officially registered. Make sure to wear your event wristband at all times.
  • Use of Materials: During the hackathon, ideas are shared freely. If you share information that you want to protect, it is your responsibility to establish confidentiality measures. The developments you create during the event are yours, but if you use partners' APIs or software, you must comply with their terms and licenses.
  • Pre-existing Work: Presenting pre-existing projects is not allowed. Work must officially begin when the hackathon starts. If you use pre-existing code, you must notify and obtain approval. Otherwise, you will be disqualified. Startup features count, but the pre-existence rule applies: the code must be created from scratch.
  • Recordings and Photos: The event will be recorded and photographed. By attending, you agree that we may use your image and voice for promotional materials. If you prefer not to appear in these, please let us know so we can respect your privacy.
  • General Conditions: Participation in Aleph Hackathon is at your own risk. We are not responsible for injuries, losses, or damages. By participating, you agree to these rules and conditions.